
| Raven |
| She/her |
| Illustrator & Character Design |



- Full payment upfront
- Payment via PayPal
- USD (or euros for europeans)
- No major changes after you approve the final sketch
- Any significant larger wanted changes after the sketch phase will have to be charged a specific fee
No refunds

How to order
- Contact me through Discord (ravenwine), [email protected] or DM me on Instagram
- state the commission type
- send all your ideas; character/illustration references (outfit, appearance, extras), written description/general info
The more details the better!
I have the right to refuse a commission for any reason
If the commission is urgent/has a rushed deadline the rush fee will be included

Work progress
- I will update you frequently during each stage of the wip
- Once I start the lineart there will be no more changes/fixes unless they are a few and minor
- The commission time depends on the form of the commission, your place in my queue and number of WIP commissions
- The time might also depend on the number of changes
- Average work is tipically finished within 2/6 weeks

Do not claim the commissioned work as yours anywhere
Do not use my art on social media (icon/banner/sticker etc.) without proper credit
Do not use my work for NFT purposes



Commission sheets

Click on the links below to see the price sheets:

Some examples + Pin Design

Click on the images to open them in a better quality:



- Single - 12$-18$
- 3 Stickers - 28$
- 6 Stickers - 50$
- Single - 6$
- 3 Emotes - 15$
- 6 Emotes - 26$
- 9 Emotes - 36$
Simple Animation - +12$
Single sticker depends on complexity

- Anthropomorphic/humanoid characters may vary in price compared to basic human forms, due to complexity
- NSFW work costs extra depending on complexity
~ Twitch assets prices vary from 40$-260/330$ ~ depends on complexity